we hope you enjoy browsing our store,
where you can find all kinds of different delicacies.
There should actuallybe something for everyone's taste.
Please also note our latest products.
So that you can enter your data for the ordering process,
simply click on Login.
We hope you enjoy browsing.
Your Mittelalterkraeuter.de Team
- Important notice -
Please note that we will be on company holiday from 20.12.2024 to 19.01.2025 inclusive and will only be able to process orders received during this period after our return.
Orders can still be placed during this period, but the goods will not be dispatched until ​​​​​​​ 20.01.2025.
We thank you for your trust and wish you a Merry Christmas and a happy new year.
Your Mittelalterkraeuter.de Team